Welcome to Esteem Ministry

Esteem Ministry is a church located in California, dedicated to providing a welcoming and nurturing environment for individuals and families seeking spiritual growth. We believe in the power of love, compassion, and support, and strive to make a positive impact in our local community and nationwide. Our inclusive and diverse community welcomes everyone, regardless of background or beliefs, to join us in our journey of faith and fellowship. Our mission is to spread the message of love and faith as we support and uplift each other in our journey of spiritual growth.


Our Vision is to help individuals reach healed, healthy and productive lifestyles. We do this by offering thriving mentor-based relationships, work opportunities, vocation training, continued education, food assistance and supportive housing- all founded on biblical principles.

Our goal is to provide each individual with the ability to accomplish his or her goals for a restored life.


Esteem is a non-profit organization focused on serving three (3) areas of the community; the homeless, young women and troubled youth through the means of mentorship, social gatherings, developing rapport through trusted relationships.

Esteem Ministry serves the homeless population of Sacramento by providing hygiene kits, feeding and clothing the homeless and praying with those in need.

To Empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives by providing spiritual guidance, promoting health and wellness, maintaining clean living spaces an enhancing the appearances of their mobility.

The Homeless

 Young Women

 Troubled Youths

Esteem Ministry

Philippians 2:3-4 (NKJ)

"3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."

Prayers, Worship and Bible Studies

Join us for our uplifting Sunday worship services, where we come together to celebrate our faith and connect with one another.

Community Outreach Services

Our ministry is committed to serving the local community through various outreach programs, providing support and assistance to those in need.

Counseling Services

We offer counseling services to provide emotional and spiritual support for individuals and families facing challenges and seeking guidance. 

“Esteem Ministry has been a source of strength and support for others in their times of need. The community here is truly welcoming and caring. I am grateful for the positive impact it has had on the community of Sacramento California.”

— M. Hudson

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your worship service times?

Our Sunday worship services are at 2:00 PM. You are welcome to join us for either service.

How can I get involved in community outreach?

We have various community outreach programs and events throughout the year. Please reach out to our community outreach coordinator for more information on how to get involved.

Do you offer support for individuals in crisis?

Yes, we offer counseling and support services for individuals and families facing crises or challenges. Please contact our counseling department for emergency prayers and assistance.

Contact us!

Reach out to us with any questions or to learn more about our services and community events.


Esteem Ministry

2740 Arden Way (Suite 220) Upstairs
Sacramento, CA 95825

United States

Changing Lives