Privacy Statement


Last Updated January 30, 2024

Effective January 24, 2023 we are exempt from Federal Income Tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (3) c.

Data Collected 

The information collected will include: First Name, Last Name, Address,  Email Address, Telephone Number. 

You, Yours represents the users of this website platform. We, Us, Our represents the owner(s) of this website platform. 

Data Collection Method

The information collected on our website is used strictly for the purpose(s) you have selected on this site. Please note your permission is required for cookie acceptance. Cookie policy will save your data for user preferences

We will not sell your information to third parties for compensation or any form of financial gains.

Child Privacy

According to California and other International laws child or children under the age of 18 years old is/are required to obtain parent or guardian consent to use our website. 
Should a minor's information be submitted, we will delete the information.


We will solely at our discretion update our privacy policy and will ensure updates are maintained with the current date posted on this page.

Please note some images are original and others are uploaded from unsplash stock images. 

If you have any questions or concerns relating to this privacy statement, please feel free to contact us.
